It was a tough year
It Was a Rough Year Well, the title should say it all. I’m not making excuses; it truly was a rough year. Shortly before my mom’s cancer started to spread, and the treatments left her no quality of life. So, she decided to discontinue them. My sister and I had major fights over whether or not READ MORE
My Education Syllabus for 2024
My Education Syllabus for 2024 Description: I’d like to develop a creative skillset that will nurture and develop a creative lifestyle, to include photography in digital and analog forms. Apply other genres of creativity i.e., watercolors, encaustic, acrylic paints, pastels, or any other mediums that will feed my creative self. This will be READ MORE
My Personal Syllabus Or Better Yet “Who I Want to Be!”
My Personal Syllabus Or Better Yet “Who I Want to Be!” About a year and a half ago, I made the decision to give up social media. I found it to be a time drain, a rabbit hole here and a rabbit hole there. All the arguing, dissention, bickering, it was absurd. It just didn’t seem READ MORE
Monitcello, Slave Row Galler
Monticello, Slave Row Gallery I left slave row for last, as it is by nature an issue still being resolved today through the “Black Lives Matter” and similar movements. It was easy to find a quote by Thomas Jefferson about slavery, but the point that he owned and used slavery to advance his life READ MORE
Monticello, Landscapes
Monticello, Landscapes In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. Thomas Jefferson Yo, Thanks
Monticello, Flowers and Gardens
Monticello, Flowers and Gardens No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden. Thomas Jefferson Hope you enjoyed the pictures, thanks for the views!
Monticello, Detail Shots
Monticello, Detail Shots There is not a sprig of grass that shoots uninteresting to me. Thomas Jefferson I appreciate you stopping by to look at my photos!
Monticello, Jefferson’s house, Gallery
Monticello, Jefferson’s House I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. Thomas Jefferson You’re awesome for taking an interest in my photography, Thanks
The Why’s of Cirtique
The Why’s of Critique Critiquing someone’s art, whether photography, painting, writing, or work performance is an art form onto itself. First you need to understand why you are offering the critique. These reasons for critiquing someone’s work would be the same reasons that you would ask for critique. You want to learn and grow in READ MORE